Saturday, 1 May 2010

Oh Eyjafjallajökul, what have you done?

Saturday 17th April

Well, today was supposed to be our last day in Switzerland! You’ve probably picked up on the use of “supposed to be” – that’s because we didn’t actually leave! If you’ve been keeping up with the news (and I presume you have been, because this news has been pretty hard to miss), you’ll know that a big old volcano in Iceland went bang. I would go into detail, but that requires far too much effort – all you need to know is that all flights to and from the U.K were suspended. Google Eyjafjallajökul for more information. Or use Bing. Or any other search engine. I must admit that I’m still a Googler (Google-er?) at heart, but this choice is entirely your own.

So yes. Volcano. Suspended flights and all that jazz. We basically spent our Saturday trying to find a way home – I however, thought that my time would be better spent sunbathing. So that’s exactly what I did. I’m really getting quite good at – in fairness I’ve been training for a good few years. I think I’m ready to go pro. If you don’t believe me then ask Emma’s neighbours – I bet they didn’t expect to find a sunbather in the communal garden, but what a lovely surprise they had :)

I’m sure that I’ve left a lot out – mostly details about delayed flights and alternative methods of transport, but that’s all really quite boring. All you need to know is that the day involved sunshine, sunbathing, yummy food, the collective viewing of Over the Rainbow, vast amounts of chocolate and at some point, sleep.


P.S – I have, for some reason recorded that the Attractive Man Count was at 90 by the end of Saturday. As I didn’t actually leave the house I find this hard to believe. The anthropology girls are good looking, but I’m pretty sure that they don’t equate to 23 attractive men. What I think has happened is that I’ve recorded the hotness in the wrong day. Let’s not argue about semantics – all you need to know is that Switzerland is full of babes and they keep getting better every day!

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