Saturday 22 December 2012

Our last night in Thailand!

11th December 2012

It's officially our last day in Thailand and while we probably should have done something special to mark the occasion, we didn't. We ate lots of food, bought some trendy traveller clothes and watched the movie channel. I think we've seen Angels and Demons about ten times in the past month!

While I will miss Thailand, I'm glad to be getting out of Bangkok. We've been here three times in the past six weeks and while there is a lot to do, walking along the Khaosan Road and being harrassed by tuk tuk drivers and street venders gets a bit old. Today I was looking at a t-shirt trying to find it in a colour I liked and the woman literally went mental. She ran at me and started screaming that nothing was for sale and I couldn't touch any of her stuff! When I told her I wanted to buy something from her she went ballistic and showed us just how fluent she is in English swear words! I get that the people in Bangkok deal with stupid travellers everyday but it was all a bit much so while I would say go to Bangkok, don't spend too long there, the rest of Thailand is more deserving of your time!

We have a thirty hour journey ahead of us so I decided to opt for a western dinner. My theory that having some chips from McDonalds would prevent me from feeling sick was soon disproved when I woke up at 2am and spent the night lying on the bathroom floor, throwing up! I really won't miss being sick all the time. I don't even know what has been causing it, I haven't eaten any dodgy food and Rory and I always have the same thing and he's been totally fine. It has been a real pain and today I really had no idea how I was going to make the massive trek home without dying but I would still come back. When I think of all the cool stuff we've been able to do and see out here, a few days of feeling horrific are definitely worth it (she says, now that she's feeling fine).

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