It feels like an absolute age since I last Blogged, but it’s only been a few days – the problem is, I have all this stuff in my head. It’s buzzing around and I’d quite like to get it all out by writing about it, but it’s impossible. I’m actually lost for words, even though my head is crammed full of junk!
One thing that I did want to say was... I think I might be a vegetarian. Actually, I’m pretty sure that it’s something I want to do. The only problem is that I actually love meat. I love Cow and Pig and Chicken and I eat meat at least once a day. I dream of Kebabs and Crispy Chicken Strips. I was raised on medium rare steaks and nothing beats a Chilli Chicken Pita from The Jamaica Inn. I literally live for Sunday dinners and a life without a Boojum Chicken Burrito just doesn’t seem right.
But (there it is, the word that is ruining my meat related happiness) I have started to read a really great book and it is totally changing my opinions about food. The book is called Skinny Bitch but it’s not about becoming skinny, because that’s disgusting. It’s about eating foods that are good for you and it talks a lot about what is actually in the food we eat every day. The authors are trying to promote a healthy lifestyle – they do have a bit of a Vegan agenda, but what you should take from this book is that you need to READ what’s in your food. There’s a lot of stuff in there that I don’t want anywhere near me, let alone my body, which while it isn’t rocking, is still quite useful and I’d like it to be around for a few more years. They say ignorance is bliss and if you want to be kept in the dark (the happy, tasty dark) then I wouldn’t suggest reading it, but I’m one of those people who love learning. I like to know everything about, well, everything. I think that before you can make a choice, you need to be informed and that’s what I’m trying to become – informed and aware.

I’ve always eaten meat and I do have some intelligence, so I’ve always known that at some point that steak was a cow, but when I’m in the middle of a BBQ I don’t think about that. I don’t think about what that animal went through in order to end up on my plate. I envisaged a cow, frolicking in the fields, living a happy life until he magically dies a pain free, quick and humane death. Now that the content cow is dead, there’s no point in throwing it out, so Mr Farmer sells it to my mother who, in honour of the cows long and happy life, marinates it and chucks it in the oven. Well, that’s not what happens. In fact, that is so far from the truth. I like meat and because I like meat I’m willing to overlook what happens to the animals that end up as my dinner. It’s perfectly natural – we like something, we want to keep doing what we’re doing, so we don’t think about it too much. Well, this book has definitely got me thinking.
I haven’t finished the book yet. When I do I’m going to re-read it and then decide what I can and can’t eat. Then I’m going to write a bit more about it, sort of like a little book review. Reading the first few chapters has been such a wakeup call and not just in relation to the meat and dairy industry. There are things that I always presumed were good for me, Diet Drinks for example. I had heard that they weren’t actually that good for you, but I never knew why. Now I do and I will NEVER be touching a caffeine free Diet Coke. Ever. Just in case you’re wondering why Diet drinks are so bad, it’s because they contain aspartame. Look it up, you’ll be horrified – it was denied FDA approval eight times as it wasn’t safe for human consumption, but wait, why are we drinking it then? Because when a rich man wants something, that rich man gets it. How? By starting a few lawsuits, bribing some people, hiring the competition and tampering with evidence. Voila – it’s magically safe and not only that, thanks to advertising, Diet Coke is “better” for you than regular Coke. Even the National Soft Drink Association didn’t want aspartame to be approved! Did you know that when aspartame breaks down it become formaldehyde? It’s pretty freaking bad for you, like cancer causing bad. There are over 92 FDA recognised side effects of aspartame and here I was, thinking it was better for me to drink Diet!
I’m actually so shocked – I have been so ignorant for so long. Obviously not everyone will want to read this book, but I need to know and hopefully I’m becoming informed and aware – I never really cared but now I NEED to know what I’m putting in my tummy :)
I don’t know if you found that interesting or if you think I’m preaching or whatever, but that’s so not the case. I eat the worst food in the world. The amount of junk that I consume is actually disgusting, I stick to the four food groups – meat, chocolate, milk and ice-cream. I hate those people who stand on their soap box telling everyone else that they’re wrong, especially if you know they eat like a little piggy. I might not kick vegetarianisms ass, but I reckon I’ll give it a go. When I have time I’d really love to go into why I’m making this decision – it’s so interesting and I knew so little about it before. Until then, I suggest you give the book a read, you don’t have to live by what it says, but it’s still good to find out – making an informed decision and all that jazz!
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