But really, did that actually just happen? Did I just purchase a Belfast Giant? Are you confused yet? Let me explain... The QUB Dance Society put on a showcase that a few Surf Clubbers attended and part of the night was an auction. Yes that’s right, a slave auction where you objectify people by placing bids on them. My dear brother, the Captain of the QUB Surf Club and his right hand man/Co-Captain Stephen Friel were the first ones to be auctioned off and they achieved a grand total of £65 – well done boys; you sold your “surf expertise” for a very respectable sum! In fact, they were only beaten by the Belfast Giant that Crilly and myself purchased for the bargain price of *cough*£80*cough*... Dad, don’t have a heart attack , that’s only £40 each and it includes a lesson on the ice, a chance to meet the team and four tickets to an actual match. Like I said, bargain. I truly see this as an investment as does Crilly, who wrote in her fantastic Blog that “once those giants see me and are instantaneously blown away by my charm and natural flair on the ice, I figure at least one of them are bound to fall in love with me! It will be no time before I become Mrs Belfast Giant and that £40 will seem like pocket change.” Genius? I think so...
After our exciting auction we hit up the after party, which was a 90s themed discotheque. The Backstreet Boys + Five + the Macarena + the original Gina G + some Surf Club legends = A very good night! When we eventually left we stopped by Gucci Chip, which might be lovely during the day, but at 2.00 a.m it is a bad choice. That “kebab chillin’ in my tummy” feeling will haunt you for days, causing a “food hangover” that cannot be cured. Ever. All in all, a very eventful night – Dance Club, you did well, you might be the second coolest club, right after Surf Club; the funnest club in Queens!
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