Do you like the title? I thought of it all by myself. Not really. Emma Joanne Wood actually told me about this phrase, but before you give her a little round of applause, I feel that you should know that she didn’t come up with it either. A friend of hers used this as their team name during a pub quiz - she passed this information on to me and I chose to make use of it. I think it’s particularly fitting given my love of babes. But I’ll get back to that later!
Today began as a fairly lazy day, involving a lovely lie-in and the wearing of pyjamas. When I finally dragged myself out of bed I gave the British Embassy a ring to see what the craic was – apparently all the cool kids were paying 200 Euros to get a bus from Geneva to London Gatwick... Did I mention that this bus was leaving in less than three hours and I was still in my pyjamas? After a quick phone call home we decided to go for the ridiculously expensive bus and we got packing! We made it to the airport on time, only to discover that our bus wouldn’t leave until 6.00 p.m – the driver was probably a Frenchy, thus explaining the three hour delay. Our little group managed to commandeer the back row, so we were all close to each other, which really helps when you’re on a 16 hour bus journey through three countries! What also helps is a friend with a Macbook full of Disney movies and Glee episodes – I ran the risk of contracting Ginger-itis, but watching Glee and The Little Mermaid made that a risk I was willing to take. (Please note that Eric from The Little Mermaid is my new favourite Disney character – Prince Eric, giving women unrealistic expectations since 1989).
The bus journey actually went quite quickly and we were chillin’ in London Gatwick by 9.00a.m on Wednesday morning! As we’d just missed the next bus to Belfast we went to the easyjet desk and asked about the possibility of getting a flight from Gatwick to Belfast. Thanks to the lovely lady at the desk we managed to get on the 9.00p.m flight to Belfast (and it was totally free – easyjet, if you’re reading this, you’re pure beaut and I will never doubt you again/the next time I’ll just wait in Geneva for a few extra hours, saving myself 200 Euros and two days of travel time). Eventually we were allowed to board and soon we were on our way back to Belfast. Obviously I made it back alive and that’s all you need to know really!
Now, on to the interesting stuff – the Attractive Man Count! Before our bus had even left Geneva the count had reached 99, proving that Geneva is full of hotties and that airports are the places to be! When we were on the bus the count couldn’t increase, but it went through the roof when we hit Gatwick – I actually had to stop counting! I’m seriously considering investing in one of those little Lynx clicker thingys! So anyway, this is my theory – airports are full of men that are travelling for business or leisure purposes. If they are on their own and travelling for business then they must have plenty of money and “it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”. The single men who are travelling for leisure purposes must have the resources to do this and even if they don’t, well travelled people are super interesting. Did I ever tell you about that time on my Gap Yah? Anyway, I digress – what I’m trying to say is that airports are the place to be! They’re full of attractive men (and probably women, but I wasn’t looking for them) and even if you actually have a life and don’t spend all your time counting attractive men, airports are still great for people watching, which is something that everyone loves :) Jack Johnson even wrote a song about it – it’s called People Watching (duh) and it’s really great, so give that a wee listen!
I feel that I should probably have some sort of conclusion to this Genevan Adventure... I don’t really know what to say, other than I had a really amazing time! Switzerland is a really beautiful country – it’s neat and tidy, everything is on time, the people are attractive, the weather is lovely and even though they all speak French, I would definitely go back! The volcano was a little set back, but we managed to get through it without too much stress (well, for me anyway, I was loving being stuck in Switzerland). We survived a good nine days without anyone throwing a punch or pulling hair, which is quite an achievement given the sharing of a bathroom and hairdryer! There was plenty of bonding time and I think that we all grew a lot closer - now I’m back it feels strange waking up and not having them around! I’m really glad we went on this little adventure – mucho thanks to Emma Joanne Wood for having us (you’re the only Frenchy I will ever love) and a big thanks to all the girls for making it so much fun! I only have one question – where to next?
P.S Attractive Man Count has stopped now that I’m back in the homeland – but Gatwick really helped boost the numbers into the hundreds! Ahh, Babes, you really stepped up your game this week! I look forward to my next European adventure!
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