Today I had my first hang over! Now before everyone starts freaking out, it wasn’t an alcohol related hangover, it was a Kebab related hangover! I didn’t even know that this was possible, but it’s the morning after the QUB Dance Showcase and I feel beyond rough! It was a miracle that I made it out of my bed and onto the train – I managed to miss my lecture but I just about made it to tutorial... It was touch and go when I was on the train, I truly thought that I was going to CHUNDER EVERYWHERE.YAH. (I hope everyone got the Gap Yah reference there, if no then please Youtube it so you can fully appreciate what I’m talking about)
After my tutorial I really should have went home, crawled into bed and slept off the mother of all Kebab Hangovers, but instead I paid 71C a wee visit. The occupants of 71C are my good chums Rachael Crilly and Rachel Davis, two vital members of Surf Club, who are collectively known as Cravis. Unfortunately Rachel “hardcore” Davis was at the library so I was chillin’ with Rachael “hung-over” Crilly and what a day we had! Crilly very kindly introduced me to an American style restaurant called Springsteen’s (goodbye student loan, hello gigantic potions of yummy food) where we spent a considerable period of time. When we rolled out of Springsteen’s, we decided that a trip to the cinema would be an excellent idea – sitting in a dark room, nursing my Kebab Hangover and Crilly’s Double Vodka and Redbull Hangover may not be an effective cure, but it sure is fun! We saw The Joneses, which was actually quite good – it was different and quirky, subtly funny and it had a very interesting message about consumerism. It’s one of those movies that you’ll think about for days to come, you might even re-evaluate some of your personal opinions/views/goals... or... you might forget about it as soon as it finished. Each to their own!

Today was one of those lovely one off days... or was it? Clearly it wasn’t. In fact, the next day I gave Crilly a ring and we went back to Springsteen’s, ate some yummy food and then we came back to Bangor to meet Davis and watch Iron Man. Cravis had never seen the movie (which had to be paused a few times in order to explain what was happening) but I think they enjoyed it. Actually, I know they enjoyed it. They’re a very vocal team and they managed to express every emotion/thought that they had during the movie. When Iron Man finished we headed over to Bangor Omniplex (not to be confused with a Multiplex) to see Iron Man 2 – yes, that’s right, two helpings of Robert Downey Jr. in one day. His face was literally sculpted by the angels and sent to us women as a gift from God. Well, perhaps that’s exactly accurate, but I think you get the picture; Robert Downey Jr. is a complete Babe! I actually really enjoyed the movie and I obviously enjoyed Cravis. They’re top notch girls and I’m actually quite glad I met them, even if they Fraped me in my own home ;)

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