After my day of rest/complaining I was ready to hit the slopes. We went to a different resort today so that was pretty nice - it had two really great beginner slopes, one was narrow with sharper turns and steeper slopes and the other was wide and perfect for practising carving. Disclaimer; I don't actually know anythaaang about snowboarding and I'm pretty sure I've made up half of these terms but it sounds better than saying “I went flying down some hill and tried not to fall by going to the left and then to the right and then back to the left.”
The day started out really well and I didn't really have any fear, so I wasn't afraid to fall after going a little bit too fast. I actually think I got worse as the day went on – rather than admit I'm rubbish, I'll just blame this on the fact that the slopes were getting icier and my body was getting sorer from all the falls. The thing about snowboarding and I suppose anything, is that when you can see yourself improving it feels amazing. I knew that I wasn't really that good but I kept thinking of how much I had improved. When I started I just wanted to stand up, so when I managed to do that, I felt pretty pleased with myself.
Sadly the day did have to end and my dream of being a pro snowboarder is another ski season away but I reckon it'll happen. I really do think that if I was out on the slopes everyday I would improve. It would be pretty hard not to... But as I live in Sunny Bangor I don't think I'll get much practising done. So, snowboarding, I guess I'll see you next year!
I know I've spoken a lot about food and niceys but it really has to be done – Emma is an amazing cook and tonight she whipped up a Raclette.
It's a traditional Swiss dish and basically you melt cheese and pour it over potatoes, bacon, onion and whatever else you fancy.
It was a lot of fun to make and a lot of fun to eat. After our lovely dinner we watched some lovely Prison Break – it's fast becoming my favourite activity but I'm sure you've noticed that as I talk about it in every post...
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