I haven’t Blogged recently, not because I haven’t been having adventures but because Queen’s University Belfast has been destroying my life. I’ve been knee deep in essays, exams and university related stress which is really quite annoying, but fear not; exams are over and I’m going to stop being a Captain No Craic!
I’ve also decided to bust out a few Blogs... Why? Because I’m literally in Geneva. It’s no Burma but I’m rather fond of it. This is my second trip to Geneva, the land of chocolate, attractive men and Emma Joanne Wood. Emma may not be as exciting as chocolate and attractive men but she’s a good a friend of mine and the reason I’m back in this glorious country.
The adventure began at 6.30 in the a.m... That’s right, I got out of my bed BEFORE lunch. Despite my best efforts, I was slightly late but JR McCune managed to get all four of us to the airport in good time, which was lucky as our plane left 30 minutes early – they even did a last call for “McCune” which was surprisingly nice if a little bit embarrassing.
When we arrived in Geneva we dropped off our luggage/my massive bag at Emma’s house and went into the city for a look around, stopping off in the old town and the Saint Pierre Cathedral. I’ve already visited these places but they’re so nice that I was more than happy to go back. If you’re ever in Geneva you should climb up the north tower in the cathedral; there are a ridiculous amount of stairs and if it’s windy you might actually be blown over the edge but the view is definitely worth it!
If you know me then you’ll know that I’m a little bit in love with food. Like Surf Club and Kelso McCune, it is my very favourite. The last time I was in Geneva we went to an Eritrian restaurant for food – I’ve already Blogged about that experience, but it’s so good I’m going to do it all over again. I’m not big into the whole “sharing” movement but I can make an exception for this meal – you get a massive plate, covered in a sticky/moist bread with lettuce, lentils, sour cream and spinach around the edge and a massive helping of meat in the centre. The idea is that you tear the bread, scoop up the meat/salad and try not to get it all over your face. It’s hard to explain but hopefully the picture will do it justice. In other news, I’m not a vegetarian anymore.
My first day in Geneva was freezing but lovely. I think I could live here but only if they all learn how to speak English. I’m not down with learning French. It’s just not how I roll. So Switzerland, get on it. We’d have so much fun!
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