Thursday 27th January 2011
Well, it's Thursday, our last day in Geneva. We woke up early, headed to the airport, got on a plane and flew back to Belfast. It's not really that exciting and there isn't much to write about. While I love going away, I also love coming home. I love flying in to Belfast and seeing all the fields. Every time I come home it's sunny which is probably why I like coming home so much. There is nothing that I love more than this country on a sunny day. I also love that I'm coming home to my family. They're my favourite. In fact, they're so great that when I got home they had tidied my room, bought me a new lamp and hung my mirror. This might seem silly to you but I love getting back to my nice family, my nice room, my nice dog and most importantly, my nice bed.
This week was so great I wanted to write about it. I have the worst memory and if I don't have pictures to look at or Blog entries to read, then I totally forget what I've done. Sorry if I've bored you, hopefully it wasn't to death... On a brighter note, I reckon I'm all Blogged out! So you won't have to hear from me for a very long time!
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Bruises. Everywhere.
Wednesday 26th January 2011
Today we left Chamonix. We all left in one piece without any broken bones but with a fair few bruises. No, really. I was covered in bruised. My knees were swollen, my back side was purple and while I wore a helmet all week, I managed to get a massive bruise on my head. How? I bent over to pick up my hairbrush and whacked my head off the sink.
This time the bus driver actually managed to find the right house and with his hectic driving skills, managed to get us back to Geneva before lunch. We didn't have any internet in Chamonix, so my first stop was obviously Facebook. It's sad to admit but I love Facebook. I hadn't checked since before my birthday so my wall was full of lovely comments from my lovely friends. I don't care how sad I sounds, this made me very happy!
We had a few hours to kill before dinner, so we obviously got stuck in to some Prison Break. After a few excellent episodes we had to stop for dinner and I'm very glad we did. Clearly Emma isn't the only Wood that can cook – her dad whipped up an amazing roast chicken! Men in the kitchen – what a remarkable idea! This is a concept that I'll definitely be introducing the future Mr Gina McCune to!
We finished the night with some more Prison Break and eventually went to sleep at 5 in the am. In hindsight this probably wasn't the best idea as we needed to be at the airport for 10 in the am... Oh well, when in Geneva!
Today we left Chamonix. We all left in one piece without any broken bones but with a fair few bruises. No, really. I was covered in bruised. My knees were swollen, my back side was purple and while I wore a helmet all week, I managed to get a massive bruise on my head. How? I bent over to pick up my hairbrush and whacked my head off the sink.
This time the bus driver actually managed to find the right house and with his hectic driving skills, managed to get us back to Geneva before lunch. We didn't have any internet in Chamonix, so my first stop was obviously Facebook. It's sad to admit but I love Facebook. I hadn't checked since before my birthday so my wall was full of lovely comments from my lovely friends. I don't care how sad I sounds, this made me very happy!
We had a few hours to kill before dinner, so we obviously got stuck in to some Prison Break. After a few excellent episodes we had to stop for dinner and I'm very glad we did. Clearly Emma isn't the only Wood that can cook – her dad whipped up an amazing roast chicken! Men in the kitchen – what a remarkable idea! This is a concept that I'll definitely be introducing the future Mr Gina McCune to!
We finished the night with some more Prison Break and eventually went to sleep at 5 in the am. In hindsight this probably wasn't the best idea as we needed to be at the airport for 10 in the am... Oh well, when in Geneva!
Have that Snowboarding!
Tuesday 25th January 2011
After my day of rest/complaining I was ready to hit the slopes. We went to a different resort today so that was pretty nice - it had two really great beginner slopes, one was narrow with sharper turns and steeper slopes and the other was wide and perfect for practising carving. Disclaimer; I don't actually know anythaaang about snowboarding and I'm pretty sure I've made up half of these terms but it sounds better than saying “I went flying down some hill and tried not to fall by going to the left and then to the right and then back to the left.”

The day started out really well and I didn't really have any fear, so I wasn't afraid to fall after going a little bit too fast. I actually think I got worse as the day went on – rather than admit I'm rubbish, I'll just blame this on the fact that the slopes were getting icier and my body was getting sorer from all the falls. The thing about snowboarding and I suppose anything, is that when you can see yourself improving it feels amazing. I knew that I wasn't really that good but I kept thinking of how much I had improved. When I started I just wanted to stand up, so when I managed to do that, I felt pretty pleased with myself.

Sadly the day did have to end and my dream of being a pro snowboarder is another ski season away but I reckon it'll happen. I really do think that if I was out on the slopes everyday I would improve. It would be pretty hard not to... But as I live in Sunny Bangor I don't think I'll get much practising done. So, snowboarding, I guess I'll see you next year!

I know I've spoken a lot about food and niceys but it really has to be done – Emma is an amazing cook and tonight she whipped up a Raclette.

It's a traditional Swiss dish and basically you melt cheese and pour it over potatoes, bacon, onion and whatever else you fancy.

It was a lot of fun to make and a lot of fun to eat. After our lovely dinner we watched some lovely Prison Break – it's fast becoming my favourite activity but I'm sure you've noticed that as I talk about it in every post...
After my day of rest/complaining I was ready to hit the slopes. We went to a different resort today so that was pretty nice - it had two really great beginner slopes, one was narrow with sharper turns and steeper slopes and the other was wide and perfect for practising carving. Disclaimer; I don't actually know anythaaang about snowboarding and I'm pretty sure I've made up half of these terms but it sounds better than saying “I went flying down some hill and tried not to fall by going to the left and then to the right and then back to the left.”
The day started out really well and I didn't really have any fear, so I wasn't afraid to fall after going a little bit too fast. I actually think I got worse as the day went on – rather than admit I'm rubbish, I'll just blame this on the fact that the slopes were getting icier and my body was getting sorer from all the falls. The thing about snowboarding and I suppose anything, is that when you can see yourself improving it feels amazing. I knew that I wasn't really that good but I kept thinking of how much I had improved. When I started I just wanted to stand up, so when I managed to do that, I felt pretty pleased with myself.
Sadly the day did have to end and my dream of being a pro snowboarder is another ski season away but I reckon it'll happen. I really do think that if I was out on the slopes everyday I would improve. It would be pretty hard not to... But as I live in Sunny Bangor I don't think I'll get much practising done. So, snowboarding, I guess I'll see you next year!
I know I've spoken a lot about food and niceys but it really has to be done – Emma is an amazing cook and tonight she whipped up a Raclette.
It's a traditional Swiss dish and basically you melt cheese and pour it over potatoes, bacon, onion and whatever else you fancy.
It was a lot of fun to make and a lot of fun to eat. After our lovely dinner we watched some lovely Prison Break – it's fast becoming my favourite activity but I'm sure you've noticed that as I talk about it in every post...
Ibuprofen me Baby!
Monday 24th 2011
When I went to bed last night I was feeling a little bit sore from all the snowboarding but it wasn't that bad. When I woke up this morning, I couldn't move. No, really. I was lying on my back in bed and I couldn't even roll over on to my tummy. I expected to be a bit sore, especially in my legs because they do all the work but for some reason it was my back and shoulders that were killing me... I could actually go on and on about how sore I was but hearing people whine is really, really boring.

Because I was so decrepit I couldn't go snowboarding with the others but R Kelly, being a true gent, stayed behind to keep me company. I wasn't really much fun, after a while I crawled out of bed and had a bath. The hot water tap didn't work so I ended up filling the bath with hot water from the shower and kettle but it was so worth it – I came out with wrinkly fingers! After that we went to the shop, stocked up on niceys and came back to the Chalet to watch a movie. We chose “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and it was pretty good. At some point in my life I would like to write about the implications and message of this movie, but I can't really be bothered – long story short, don't try and forget your past, even if it hurts.

It wasn't too long before our little skiiers/snowboarder came back and our French Chef got started on dinner. I don't know how she did it, but Emma managed to make beef burgers taste nice. Well done Frenchy, well done! Can you guess what we did after dinner? We all talked about our feelings... Ha! As if... we watched Prison Break :)
P.S I know that those pictures have nothing to do with this post, but they're pretty so I included them.
When I went to bed last night I was feeling a little bit sore from all the snowboarding but it wasn't that bad. When I woke up this morning, I couldn't move. No, really. I was lying on my back in bed and I couldn't even roll over on to my tummy. I expected to be a bit sore, especially in my legs because they do all the work but for some reason it was my back and shoulders that were killing me... I could actually go on and on about how sore I was but hearing people whine is really, really boring.
Because I was so decrepit I couldn't go snowboarding with the others but R Kelly, being a true gent, stayed behind to keep me company. I wasn't really much fun, after a while I crawled out of bed and had a bath. The hot water tap didn't work so I ended up filling the bath with hot water from the shower and kettle but it was so worth it – I came out with wrinkly fingers! After that we went to the shop, stocked up on niceys and came back to the Chalet to watch a movie. We chose “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and it was pretty good. At some point in my life I would like to write about the implications and message of this movie, but I can't really be bothered – long story short, don't try and forget your past, even if it hurts.
It wasn't too long before our little skiiers/snowboarder came back and our French Chef got started on dinner. I don't know how she did it, but Emma managed to make beef burgers taste nice. Well done Frenchy, well done! Can you guess what we did after dinner? We all talked about our feelings... Ha! As if... we watched Prison Break :)
P.S I know that those pictures have nothing to do with this post, but they're pretty so I included them.
Heel Side. Toe Side. Back Side.
Sunday 23rd 2011
I think that the title of this Blog sums up my entire day... If you haven’t already guessed it, today I was learning how to snowboard! I’ve always wanted to give it a try, mainly because snowboarders look really bad ass! Emma is a pro so she kitted me out with some gear and gave me a few pointers.

It’s a strange feeling, being strapped onto a board, you can’t move your feet independently but I got used to it after a while. What I couldn’t quite master was the art of getting up. No really, I just couldn’t do it so I sat on the flo and waited for Emma to pull me up. Eventually I discovered that I could roll over onto my tummy and push myself up. This saved Emma a lot of effort but I’m pretty sure I looked like a beached whale, rolling around in the middle of the run, but hey, everyone has to learn sometime! When I had mastered that we moved on to “the button lift” – a ski lift that was designed for skiers, probably by the devil. It’s sort of like putting a rope swing between your legs and letting it drag you up a mountain. After a few tumbles I managed to get on the lift and I got to the top of the run without falling, which is quite good for a beginner, or so I’m told...

The hardest part of the day was getting from the first run to the second run – I can’t even begin to explain how difficult this was. The run had several flat areas which is terrible if you’re a snowboarder because you haven’t got poles to help you shuffle along, instead you have to unstrap a foot and push yourself along like you’re on a skateboard, which is much easier said than done. When the run wasn’t flat it was steep and icy which again, if you’re a snowboarder, is pretty difficult, especially if you’ve been learning for an hour... At this point I was ready to give up. I’m not used to failing, in fact, I’m used to doing well and being the best – if I know I’m not going to be the best at something then I don’t even try but I was trying snowboarding and still not doing well. This is the most demoralising feeling in the world.

After a while I realised that sitting on my ass, feeling sorry for myself wasn't going to get me anywhere, so I manned up and decided to keep trying until I got the hang of it, even if it meant having to fall over and jump up every five seconds. We eventually got to a decent beginner slope and I managed to do the whole thing without falling! This probably isn't a big deal for most people but I was chuffed – it's like seeing all your hard work pay off, something I've never really experienced because I've never really worked hard! Eventually the slopes closed and we headed back to the Chalet, had a massive dinner and of course, watched some Prison Break.

I think that the title of this Blog sums up my entire day... If you haven’t already guessed it, today I was learning how to snowboard! I’ve always wanted to give it a try, mainly because snowboarders look really bad ass! Emma is a pro so she kitted me out with some gear and gave me a few pointers.
It’s a strange feeling, being strapped onto a board, you can’t move your feet independently but I got used to it after a while. What I couldn’t quite master was the art of getting up. No really, I just couldn’t do it so I sat on the flo and waited for Emma to pull me up. Eventually I discovered that I could roll over onto my tummy and push myself up. This saved Emma a lot of effort but I’m pretty sure I looked like a beached whale, rolling around in the middle of the run, but hey, everyone has to learn sometime! When I had mastered that we moved on to “the button lift” – a ski lift that was designed for skiers, probably by the devil. It’s sort of like putting a rope swing between your legs and letting it drag you up a mountain. After a few tumbles I managed to get on the lift and I got to the top of the run without falling, which is quite good for a beginner, or so I’m told...
The hardest part of the day was getting from the first run to the second run – I can’t even begin to explain how difficult this was. The run had several flat areas which is terrible if you’re a snowboarder because you haven’t got poles to help you shuffle along, instead you have to unstrap a foot and push yourself along like you’re on a skateboard, which is much easier said than done. When the run wasn’t flat it was steep and icy which again, if you’re a snowboarder, is pretty difficult, especially if you’ve been learning for an hour... At this point I was ready to give up. I’m not used to failing, in fact, I’m used to doing well and being the best – if I know I’m not going to be the best at something then I don’t even try but I was trying snowboarding and still not doing well. This is the most demoralising feeling in the world.
After a while I realised that sitting on my ass, feeling sorry for myself wasn't going to get me anywhere, so I manned up and decided to keep trying until I got the hang of it, even if it meant having to fall over and jump up every five seconds. We eventually got to a decent beginner slope and I managed to do the whole thing without falling! This probably isn't a big deal for most people but I was chuffed – it's like seeing all your hard work pay off, something I've never really experienced because I've never really worked hard! Eventually the slopes closed and we headed back to the Chalet, had a massive dinner and of course, watched some Prison Break.
Happy Birthday to Meee!
January 22nd 2011
Today is my birthday. I have been alive for twenty one years and I’m very happy about that. Some people worry about getting older but in my mother’s words “if you aren’t getting older, you’re dead”
I’ve always liked that and I like being twenty one. I don’t feel any older and I’m definitely not wiser but I suppose growing up is a process, so watch this space! I wasn’t really expecting any birthday celebrations as I’m away from my family and they’re the only ones obligated to celebrate my birth but I was pleasantly surprised. We started the day by going out for breakfast at a little boulangerie at the end of Emma’s street and when I had chowed down on a few chocolate croissants, we stocked up on niceys and caught a bus to Chamonix, France.

The bus was an absolute bargain at 25euros each, however, there was one slight problem – they dropped us off at the wrong place. We ended up having to make a 30 minute trek through the town with all our bags and snowboards but it was worth it – the Chalet is amazing! It’s beautiful inside and the views are amazing; it’s literally just chillin’ on Mont Blanc! When we were settled and cosy Emma whipped up my birthday tarte de flete... It might sound like a desert but it really isn’t – it involves potatoes, wine, cheese and probably some other stuff, I’m not really sure but it tastes amazing!

Now that I’m old and responsible (haaa) I was more than happy to stay in, get cosy on the sofa and watch a few episodes of Prison Break. I’ve never seen it before and I always thought it sounded a bit stupid – the title seemed to give away the entire plot but good people of the internet, I was so very wrong. It’s amazing and provided the perfect end to a perfect day!
Today is my birthday. I have been alive for twenty one years and I’m very happy about that. Some people worry about getting older but in my mother’s words “if you aren’t getting older, you’re dead”
I’ve always liked that and I like being twenty one. I don’t feel any older and I’m definitely not wiser but I suppose growing up is a process, so watch this space! I wasn’t really expecting any birthday celebrations as I’m away from my family and they’re the only ones obligated to celebrate my birth but I was pleasantly surprised. We started the day by going out for breakfast at a little boulangerie at the end of Emma’s street and when I had chowed down on a few chocolate croissants, we stocked up on niceys and caught a bus to Chamonix, France.
The bus was an absolute bargain at 25euros each, however, there was one slight problem – they dropped us off at the wrong place. We ended up having to make a 30 minute trek through the town with all our bags and snowboards but it was worth it – the Chalet is amazing! It’s beautiful inside and the views are amazing; it’s literally just chillin’ on Mont Blanc! When we were settled and cosy Emma whipped up my birthday tarte de flete... It might sound like a desert but it really isn’t – it involves potatoes, wine, cheese and probably some other stuff, I’m not really sure but it tastes amazing!
Now that I’m old and responsible (haaa) I was more than happy to stay in, get cosy on the sofa and watch a few episodes of Prison Break. I’ve never seen it before and I always thought it sounded a bit stupid – the title seemed to give away the entire plot but good people of the internet, I was so very wrong. It’s amazing and provided the perfect end to a perfect day!
Bonjour Babes!
21 January 2011
I haven’t Blogged recently, not because I haven’t been having adventures but because Queen’s University Belfast has been destroying my life. I’ve been knee deep in essays, exams and university related stress which is really quite annoying, but fear not; exams are over and I’m going to stop being a Captain No Craic!
I’ve also decided to bust out a few Blogs... Why? Because I’m literally in Geneva. It’s no Burma but I’m rather fond of it. This is my second trip to Geneva, the land of chocolate, attractive men and Emma Joanne Wood. Emma may not be as exciting as chocolate and attractive men but she’s a good a friend of mine and the reason I’m back in this glorious country.

The adventure began at 6.30 in the a.m... That’s right, I got out of my bed BEFORE lunch. Despite my best efforts, I was slightly late but JR McCune managed to get all four of us to the airport in good time, which was lucky as our plane left 30 minutes early – they even did a last call for “McCune” which was surprisingly nice if a little bit embarrassing.
When we arrived in Geneva we dropped off our luggage/my massive bag at Emma’s house and went into the city for a look around, stopping off in the old town and the Saint Pierre Cathedral. I’ve already visited these places but they’re so nice that I was more than happy to go back. If you’re ever in Geneva you should climb up the north tower in the cathedral; there are a ridiculous amount of stairs and if it’s windy you might actually be blown over the edge but the view is definitely worth it!

If you know me then you’ll know that I’m a little bit in love with food. Like Surf Club and Kelso McCune, it is my very favourite. The last time I was in Geneva we went to an Eritrian restaurant for food – I’ve already Blogged about that experience, but it’s so good I’m going to do it all over again. I’m not big into the whole “sharing” movement but I can make an exception for this meal – you get a massive plate, covered in a sticky/moist bread with lettuce, lentils, sour cream and spinach around the edge and a massive helping of meat in the centre. The idea is that you tear the bread, scoop up the meat/salad and try not to get it all over your face. It’s hard to explain but hopefully the picture will do it justice. In other news, I’m not a vegetarian anymore.

My first day in Geneva was freezing but lovely. I think I could live here but only if they all learn how to speak English. I’m not down with learning French. It’s just not how I roll. So Switzerland, get on it. We’d have so much fun!
I haven’t Blogged recently, not because I haven’t been having adventures but because Queen’s University Belfast has been destroying my life. I’ve been knee deep in essays, exams and university related stress which is really quite annoying, but fear not; exams are over and I’m going to stop being a Captain No Craic!
I’ve also decided to bust out a few Blogs... Why? Because I’m literally in Geneva. It’s no Burma but I’m rather fond of it. This is my second trip to Geneva, the land of chocolate, attractive men and Emma Joanne Wood. Emma may not be as exciting as chocolate and attractive men but she’s a good a friend of mine and the reason I’m back in this glorious country.
The adventure began at 6.30 in the a.m... That’s right, I got out of my bed BEFORE lunch. Despite my best efforts, I was slightly late but JR McCune managed to get all four of us to the airport in good time, which was lucky as our plane left 30 minutes early – they even did a last call for “McCune” which was surprisingly nice if a little bit embarrassing.
When we arrived in Geneva we dropped off our luggage/my massive bag at Emma’s house and went into the city for a look around, stopping off in the old town and the Saint Pierre Cathedral. I’ve already visited these places but they’re so nice that I was more than happy to go back. If you’re ever in Geneva you should climb up the north tower in the cathedral; there are a ridiculous amount of stairs and if it’s windy you might actually be blown over the edge but the view is definitely worth it!
If you know me then you’ll know that I’m a little bit in love with food. Like Surf Club and Kelso McCune, it is my very favourite. The last time I was in Geneva we went to an Eritrian restaurant for food – I’ve already Blogged about that experience, but it’s so good I’m going to do it all over again. I’m not big into the whole “sharing” movement but I can make an exception for this meal – you get a massive plate, covered in a sticky/moist bread with lettuce, lentils, sour cream and spinach around the edge and a massive helping of meat in the centre. The idea is that you tear the bread, scoop up the meat/salad and try not to get it all over your face. It’s hard to explain but hopefully the picture will do it justice. In other news, I’m not a vegetarian anymore.
My first day in Geneva was freezing but lovely. I think I could live here but only if they all learn how to speak English. I’m not down with learning French. It’s just not how I roll. So Switzerland, get on it. We’d have so much fun!
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