Monday, 27 April 2009

Viva la Familia (aka Pete’s Posse)

Tuesday 7th April

Today we left Franz Josef (YES) and headed to Wanaka. On the way we stopped off in a few places, I think, but honestly, they mustn’t have been that amazing, because I don’t remember them. We were actually really lucky, “Pete’s Posse” (the name develops later in the evening) managed to get a room together, so Jess, Josh, Pete, Rob, James and myself were all in the same room – sharing a room with four boys isn’t as sexy as it sounds, especially after Franz Josef – everything we owned was soaked, so the entire room smelt like wet boy! Lovely! Actually, I shouldn’t complain, my stuff was soaking too so the room probably smelt like wet Gina too, and besides, it was an amazing room – full of amazing people! We were missing Anthony, but he did come visit :)

Once we were checked into our room we went and did some washing/drying. I actually hate being cold and wet. I never realised how grumpy I get, but it’s quite shocking. When I was in Franz Josef I rang Esther and was like, “Everything I own is wet. I hate everything.” But in Wanaka I got all my clothes nice and dry, so life is back to being good! Once the clothes were dry we did the next logical thing... Went swimming and got our clothes wet again! I wasn’t too keen on going swimming in a freezing cold lake, but once I got there I had to go in! I’m actually really glad I did go in, it was actually quite warm! Nobody ever believes me when I say that, but it actually was really nice! We had a mini triathlon – we dived from a jetty, swam to a raft, climbed onto the raft, swam back to shore and then ran to the start of the jetty. I wasn’t as enthusiastic as some others, but it was really good fun! Once we had completed our epic race, Pete and I hung around, jumping off the jetty – because I’m a bit special I decided to do a summersault... I think it began well, actually no, I was rubbish and ended up doing a bellyflop, but on my lower back/ass – it was actually really, really sore. If you were there then you probably would have laughed, it was quite funny, but still, seriously sore.

After our swimming adventure we went to the Base Bar and did some Karaoke – which was so good, but oh so bad. I’m not exactly Whitney, but when old Singstar comes on, it can get quite messy. Karaoke is no exception – at the start of the night I’m all like, “Noooo, I couldn’t possibly” and by the end of the night, I’m the only one on stage – which is exactly what happened in Wanaka. Our little group, Jess, Josh, Anthony, James, Rob, myself and our leader, Daddy Pete/Daddy Cool, became “Pete’s Posse” and we even had a family sing song. We sang “We Are Family” and we were brilliant, obviously. It was such a good night, everyone was together and everyone knew everyone because we had been on the same bus for a while, so it was really good! Pete’s Posse were literally the last ones to leave – they were cleaning up and everything! When we eventually left we went back to the room and fell asleep, because that’s what you do when you’re tired. Or so I hear.


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