Sunday, 5 April 2009

Hello Mr South Island.

Happy April Fools Day!

Did you pull any pranks? I didn’t... I was tempted to ring home and tell a little fib, but I forgot in the end! I blame it on the early start... The bus for the Ferry to the South Island left at 7.00am, so we had to be waiting from 6.45am onwards, which was a barrel of laughs. It was actually quite cold at that time of the day, which isn’t surprising, it was still dark! We eventually got on the bus and drove to the Ferry. It was quite strange, getting the Ferry. You had to check your baggage through, like on an airplane. Once our baggage was checked we went to find a seat. I met up with the Welsh Couple again, so we went and got seats together and then the girl, Rosie, and I went and got some breakfast. I don’t know why I keep buying cooked breakfasts, they look so good, but when I actually eat them, they’re gross! So I partially ate my gross breakfast but then I started feeling sick... Again. Morning sickness? Nah, just gross breakfast sickness!

After breakfast we found some nice reclining seats, so we stayed there for the rest of the journey. It was a 3 hour Ferry, even longer than Scotland! I did actually start feeling really sick, I think it was a combination of tiredness, dodgy breakfast and then the boat flying from side to side. I ended up lying on the floor on my tummy. I always used to think that the people that did that were strange. Now I fully understand them. Rosie was actually really good, she came and told me that we were going past some nice scenery so I took my camera up to the viewing deck and took a few (hundred) snaps. It was actually really beautiful. It was a bit cloudy, but the scenery was so nice! Everyone goes on about how beautiful South Island is – we hadn’t even set foot on the Island yet and already it was so beautiful!

When the journey was over we collected our bags and got on the bus to Nelson! We made one stop and I got some ice cream, Orange Choc Chip. It was horrible. I actually had to throw it out and you know ice cream is bad when I throw it out! Then we were back on the bus and straight to Nelson. We checked into our Hostel, Fern Lodge, which was really nice. It was a Bar and Hotel, which has a Hostel part, especially for people on the Kiwi Experience! Our rooms were nice, they had real carpet and the walls weren’t white, which is always a good start! Once I had put my bags in the room I went for a dander. First I walked to the Green Monkey – the Hostel that I wanted to stay in, but it was fully booked! It was small, but looked nice. Then I walked back into town, literally walking down every street to see what Nelson is actually like! Everyone says that Nelson is really rubbish, but I actually really like it! It seems like a really nice place! The town is neat and tidy and it isn’t too big, but it isn’t too small. It has everything that you need! I also really like walking around the suburbs, seeing what the houses are like here. I really like them too, there are lots of nice yellow houses with white trim, which I like – it’s just like home. I could be all fruity and use some emotive language to describe how beautiful Nelson is. I could tell you about the two little girls I saw, running along the street in their bare feet or the ducks swimming in the river. I could tell you about the letterboxes and the flowers at each house or the dogs sleeping in the sun. Or I could tell you to come to Nelson and see it for yourself. Come to Nelson and see it for yourself.

After my walk I came back to the Hostel, started reading my book, but then ended up watching “Shrek the Third” with everyone. I was really quite surprised at how good it was – the movie has quite a lot of subtle jokes, jokes that kids don’t understand but that as an adult (sort of) I find funny. The jokes are actually quite grown up – luckily kids don’t get those kinds of jokes! After Shrek we watched “LOST”. Which I haven’t watched since the second season, but I had some movie geek beside me and he was trying to explain everything during the breaks. It was quite funny, I don’t think you understand how strange “LOST” is until you have to explain it! After that we watched “Chuck”, which I have never seen, but we all really enjoyed it. We actually got really into it. At one point the entire room was shouting at the screen – we even had special names for the characters “Skanky Jill” being the most popular.
It was actually really funny, but probably one of those, “you had to be there” things. After all the excitement of watching T.V I was so tired I just went to sleep (after finishing my book, of course)


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