Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Blog is Back


After several uneventful months, Rory and I have decided that it’s about time we had another adventure! To be honest we actually couldn’t find anyone in Northern Ireland willing to employ an anthropology graduate and with destitution creeping ever closer we decided to get some qualifications, again.

After completing a month long CELTA course, we are now fully qualified teachers of  English as a foreign language. Exciting stuff I know. After about five minutes as a CELTA graduate we were both offered teaching positions in Beijing which is pretty great and has further highlighted just how useless our anthropology degree is in the big wide world of employment.

So there you have it. Rory and I are off to Beijing and I thought I might as well get back in to Blogging.  Apparently there’s a lot to see and do in China. I’ve heard something about a big wall, it’s meant to be pretty great. Ha. Get it? Terrible jokes aside, this Blog is back in action and hopefully I’ll have something interesting to write over the next few months!

1 comment:

  1. hello from 25 sheridan drive. You will know how exciting it can be at ballyholme so I will contact you again when things are calmed down.

