The first of the three is a question... I’m wondering what we think of the Hunky Dory adverts? I know they’re old news and most of them have been replaced but I’ve been thinking about feminism and perceptions of beauty and all that jazz and it made me think about the adverts... I have such a bloke-ish sense of humour and I totally get them. However, I think that they are potentially damaging. I wouldn’t want my daughter to grow up thinking that she needs to look like that. I think these adverts promote an unrealistic, unattainable and unnatural idea of beauty. Yes they’re fun to look at. Yes I wouldn’t mind having a rocking bod like the girls in the adverts, but I think people need to understand that this kind of advertising (and we’re not just talking about a few crisp advert, I’m thinking magazines, movies, just about everything) promotes low self esteem and that’s so sad. As a pretend grown up I’m past all that sillyness. I can see the picture objectively, but maybe a few years ago I couldn’t. I’ve never been overly affected with appearance issues but some people are and it really worries me. Anyone have any thoughts on this sort of stuff?

On to the second thing... I’m going sound very hypocritical but I’ve just got to throw it out there, how unbelievable attractive is Chris Noth?! It took me a few years to come to this realisation as I don’t watch Sex and the City – I wanted to watch the DVD a few days ago and when I told Esther this she said, “Isn’t that a little bit old for you”... I’m twenty. I’m a real grownup and yet, I think she’s probably right. But anyway, Chris Noth. I’ve been watching The Good Wife (which is a very good show about, well, a good wife and a not so good husband) and Chris Noth plays the not so good husband. It seems like he’s in everything I watch these days – I watched some terrible Hillary Duff movie yesterday and guess who was in it? Chris Noth, obviously. He might not be pretty in the Hollister “you can’t even see how attractive I am because this shop is so dark” sense, but he is ridiculously handsome. Maybe it’s the suit. Maybe it’s the tall dark and handsome thing. Maybe it’s the accent. I’m not really sure, but I do know that he is divine and while I may not be the next Mrs Noth, I can certainly admire from a far. In the meantime I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for a real life, suit wearing man, who may or may not be of Genevan descent.

The last thing I wanted to touch on was... another man. Stephen Ferris to be precise. I have heard the stories, but I finally saw it with my own eyes – Rain is where the hotties spend their spare time. It would appear that when the Rugby Men aren’t sporting short shorts and getting bloodied and bruised, they like to put on their finest attire and head to the nightclub formerly known as Milk. Niall O’Connor was there in all his PURE BEAUT glory as was Rory Best, who despite looking about 40 is only 27. Anyway, Crilly and I got some tickets to the S.F Gun Show and managed to fit in a sneaky picture before the camera died. Much thanks to my favourite Rugby player, Mr Rory Kelleher for taking such a beautiful picture... Sorry it died just as you and S.F got up close and personal... You can get one at our wedding :)
So there you go, the three things I wanted to talk about. Sorry for being such a hypocrite and for objectifying these poor men.
P.S Babe :)

I thought the very same thing about the guy from Sex and the City. Hot HOT!