Ahh, Friday. What a day. Today we went back to France to see some glorious mountains. I can’t actually remember the name of the mountain, but we took a cable car to the top, which was super quick and not scary at all. It was quite foggy at the top, so it was difficult to take a decent picture of the view, but I’m still really glad we went up and had a wee look. As none of us were in suitable attire/shoes that weren’t pumps, we couldn’t do much adventuring so we just had some lunch and walked about a bit. (That's the view from the Cable Car as you go up the mountain)
After our trip up the mountain we headed home to get ready – Friday was Fondue night! For six girls I think we managed pretty well in regards to getting ready, not just today but all week. If you think about it, six girls in two rooms with one bathroom (downstairs anyway) and no fist fights is quite an accomplishment, especially with someone as vain as myself always needing the mirror and the hairdryer!
Once we were ready we took the (amazing) bus to Geneva city centre, found our restaurant and ordered dinner. Actually, Emma did all the finding and ordering – clap clap. I was a bit of an epic fail and instead of having Fondue, which seems to be a rite of passage in Switzerland, I went for the steak. On a scale of 1 to Pure Beaut it was right at the top – in fact, it was the best steak I’ve had in ages and at 24 CHF it was pretty much the same price as some bread and cheese. Excellent choice Gina.
I think it’s worth pointing out that Geneva is the place to be, especially on a Friday night. The city is literally full of attractive men in suits! We walked past a banker bar, literally a bar full of bankers and it was a magnificent sight. The next time I go over, I will have learnt French and will spend all my time chillin’ in the banker bars. We didn’t actually go into this banker bar, instead we went to another part of town and went between two bars. The atmosphere and the music of both bars was really good, but they seemed to be full of kids! I know I’m not that old, but in Switzerland the drinking age is 16, so the bars are literally full of teenagers. They aren’t rowdy like us Brits, but they do look very young, which I find really quite strange, but hey, when in Switzerland! I think my drink of the night deserves a mention – an alcohol free Mojito... It was absolutely STANKIN! Emma Joanne Wood said that it would be pure beaut, but she lied – her excuse was that normal Mojitos are full of alcohol, making them taste nicer. If you would like to try an alcohol free Mojito, do this – get some fizzy water, dump a tablespoon of granulated sugar in the glass, randomly place some mint leaves and chunks of lime at the top and charge 8 CHF for it :)
When we were all socialised out we came home – we took a slightly different route that involved walking through an underground tunnel and along a creepy lane. Apparently Switzerland is super duper safe – it didn’t disappoint in that aspect, we all arrived back, safe and sound and in pretty much the same condition we left in. One last thing – the title refers to a very heated debate, which country is better. In relation to Babes (and pretty much everything else) I can say that Switzerland wins. We spent two days in France and I saw four Babes, this is in comparison to Genevan Babes, which are now numbering the hundreds. If you’re ever planning a visit to Europe and aren’t sure which country to visit, this information may sway your decision. That is all.
Attractive Man Count – 67 (all of which were seen in Switzerland and usually on public transport).